These recuperators transfer heat (thermal energy) between primary and secondary flows by convection across smooth steel tubes.
Tube type recuperators can be supplied loose, to be inserted into a horizontal flue (underground or overhead), a vertical one (chimney) flue, or, alternatively, inside lined shell.
With the same operating principle, but intended to cool a primary fluid, gas coolers offer an alternative to air dilution in smoke purification systems. This equipment, as a prior step to purification, prevents fumes reaching the purification systems at an excessively high temperature.
Dust content in the gases, as well as the capacity to separate dust from the gas stream, are design determining factors, which may require the installation of dust collection and extraction systems in areas with turns or widening.
2 Exchangers at AMNS
for the new processing lines at AMNS Hazira through JOHN COCKERILL
3 Exchangers at JSW Bellary
3x300T/h WBF with TENOVA
2 Exchangers at TATA Kalinganagar
2x300T/h WBF with FIVES
4 DRY heat exchangers
at AMNS Hazira
Fields of application
- Forging furnaces
- Steel sector
- Calcination furnaces
- Waste recovery
- Cooling of gases or air
Criteria for use
- Temperature of hot gas < 1,000ºC
- Gases that do not contain corrosive compounds or a large quantity of solid particles.
60% fuel savings
100% European
at our own installations
50 years of experience
Greater local competition
Support and advice on assembly / commissioning / calibration of the furnace