Chamber of Commerce Export Awards 2022

Kalfrisa wins the Medium-sized Company Award at the Export Awards 2022!
The Zaragoza Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services presented the 2022 Export Awards, recognising five outstanding companies that are committed to internationalisation. These awards, which have been running since 1979, have become the most prestigious business distinction in Aragon.
Kalfrisa, which received the 2022 Medium-sized Company award, has also stood out for offering technological and innovative solutions for energy saving and environmental protection.
Its overseas sales have seen significant growth, rising from 35% of global sales in 2019 to more than 61% last year;
The company has demonstrated a vision of the future by focusing its strategy for years on internationalisation and innovation, with successful results. This recognition highlights the commitment of Kalfrisa with excellence and its contribution to economic development through its efforts in the global market.
Once again this year, the awards were supported by JCV, the Compañía Española de Seguros de Crédito a la Exportación (CESCE) e Ibercaja which gave their support to the Export Awards 2022, through their executives who congratulated the winners for their achievements and dedication in international markets;